Simple. Smart. Safe.


Subscription to pour vitamin water, 24 drinks per month. Personalised recommendation for smart hydration. Digital statistics always with you.

Simple system

Easy to use. Just download the app

Very simple to use and always with you. No other action is needed. Choose flavor and get loaded with purest water and vitamins.


Smart hydration

A habit-changing eco-system

Now any bottle can count your water intake automatically. Follow personalised water recommendation. See your digital metrics in one app.


Safe and healthy

Safe for your health
good for the planet

With more than 30 flavors we deliver affordable, vitamin, sugar free and healthy drink. Cut the plastic waste and micro plastic consumption.


Join us

Subscription based eco-system


Health investment

10% of subscription is invested back in the form of health related gifts


Vitamin water

24 vitamin drinks per month, unlimited free pure water


Free month

First month is free trial for the machine and the manager zone

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